Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Night of the Ball

"One thousand embraces will cradle you, making all of your weary days seem far away."

* * * * * 
The sound of trickling water filled the chamber she shared with Sebastian, low candlelight flickering upon the walls alongside the dying fire in the hearth. Within the steaming copper tub, the matriarch of House Marchand allowed the hot water to seep into her bones while the winds and snows of Ishgard continued outside the ornate window.

Somewhere in the hallway, she heard a brief snippet of laughter. Her attention was briefly drawn to the door before she smiled and relaxed again. Somewhere in the Shroud, there was to be a ball tonight. Years had come and gone since the last time she wore a pretty gown and danced without a care in the world while instruments played quietly in the moonlight. She cast a glance to the stunning gown of blue, silver, and white she'd prepared for the festivities, hanging upon the wardrobe in a place of honor. Though she had a fair bit of skill with weaving, she'd contracted this particular gown to someone far more fashionably conscious. She wanted to ensure she looked like a proper lady, one worthy of the love of a knight of Ishgard.

Again she heard talking outside of the room, and pulled herself out of the tub at last to finish getting ready. Standing there, she rubbed some of the water away with a thick towel before sliding her arms through a fluffy robe. Wandering to the dying hearth, she poked the embers and slid a new log inside before stepping to her small desk. Upon it lay an ornate envelope, one she knew to contain a wedding invitation for an old friend. The flowing writing on the fancy paper was nothing but another decoration in preparation for their day. She grinned foolishly as she remembered she be preparing her own such envelopes rather soon.

Moving around the room, she dressed herself. Corset and underthings came first - sliding her stockings and garters on one at a time before the fire to keep herself warm. Then came lotions and perfume, lathering her skin in the scent of lilies. A quick spritz of perfume in her hair would keep the scent surrounding her for all of the night, as well.

She glanced up at a knock at the door, sliding her arms through a thick dressing robe as she went to open it. A servant arrived with tonight's meal on a wheeled cart, bringing four different trays of food and three bottles of fine wine. She directed them to the small table where she and Sebastian took their meals, tipping them before they were on their way.

Erisande would not be attending the ball in the Shroud tonight. At the last minute, Ser Pavel had been called forth to do his duty to protect Ishgard. So she would do hers, tending to him and his hurts when he returned for the night. The bandages rested nearby if he needed them, and she was prepared to use her conjuring magic if need be. The meal would warm and sustain him, and she hoped the wine would ease his mind and body. Most importantly, Erisande herself would be there to soothe him.

Peeling off the thick robe, she poured herself a single glass of wine and took a seat before the fire. She reclined her mostly bare legs upon the nearby footstool, and picked up her book to read. When Sebastian returned, she wanted him to have an eyeful of all that was good in the world.